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Assisting Team Brownsville, supplying donations to RST Harlingen and Respite Center in McAllen

Rio Valley Relief Project traveled to Brownsville April 29 to assist Team Brownsville in their service to asylum seeking families. Vaccinated volunteers worked shifts at the bus station to welcome, supply and direct travelers while others supported Team Brownsville by reorganizing and restocking storage units with needed items. Specifically requested donations of medicine, new socks and underwear, backpacks, travel snacks, hygiene and baby items as well as blankets and new shoes were provided. Items were also taken to support the respite center in McAllen. Refugee Services in Harlingen received donations of medicine, cleaning supplies, snacks and hygiene items.

We would like to thank the communities in Dallas/Fort Worth and Round Rock/Austin areas for their generous donations. We are grateful to Preston Trail Community in Frisco for their on-going support and we are grateful to representatives of the JustServe teams in North and Central Texas for posting lists of needs on their platform. The donations collected in such a short amount of time exceeded our expectations and we look forward to working with them again. We thank those who took time to collect and deliver items as well as the student group who helped sort and organize items into specific categories. And once again, we thank individuals in our communities who donate. These amounts add up quickly and enable us to make important purchases. This work cannot be done without the cooperation and generosity of many.

Our next trip will likely be in June. If you would like to contribute or volunteer, please contact us at info@riovalleyreliefproject.


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